Member-only story
Kindness is like a ripple in the ocean. It spreads far and wide.
Don’t let a negative world view swamp the good things you do
‘There’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end’. Scott Adams.
I felt helpless.
I was bombarded by the news media with images of destruction: forests cut down, rivers polluted and, most recently, blazing fires that sterilised everything in their path.
I was sad for the people affected, but at least many have some capacity to escape these destructive forces. My sadness intensified when I thought of the thousands of animals caught in an inferno that left them with nowhere to run. There were intense fires with their own weather patterns that blew into landscapes like an out-of-control semi-trailer, leaving many animals with zero hope of escaping. If they did, they’re often injured or left orphaned.
It made me cry, but I realised tears wouldn’t heal or solve anything. Action, no matter how small, might bring some relief to our injured wildlife. I looked for ways I could help.
The southern hemisphere summer ate its way through huge parts of the east coast of Australia and calls for help came from everywhere. A wildlife centre near me asked for volunteers to make fabric pouches for orphaned and injured…